We hope you experience a great time of worship.  We consider all of our guests to be our friends and invite you to continue to participate in worship and other activities of our church so we can grow in this friendship. 

You may, like us, come to think of these friends as family.  If so, we invite you to formally join our church fellowship. 

If you feel led to make a commitment, such as publicly expressing your belief in Jesus Christ and desire to be baptized or if you want to join our church, please come forward during the invitation time at the close of our service and talk to the pastor about your decision. You can also feel free to contact our staff during the week to schedule a visit to talk about church membership or spiritual concerns.

Any person may offer himself for membership in this church in any of the following ways.  

(a) By profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and for baptism according to the policies of this church.

(b) By promise of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist Church of like faith and order.

(c) By statement of faith before the church that he/she professes to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and testifies that he/she has been baptized as a believer by immersion.                                 

Want to know more?

Fill out this form, and we will get in touch with you!