Regular Sunday Schedule

9:30 AM - Sunday school | Bible Study

10:45 AM - Sunday Worship


Merry Christmas!

There are no Wednesday night activities on the schedule for this evening. We will resume our regular scheduled activities on January 8. Merry Christmas!

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All-Church Brunch, Worship, & Lord’s Supper

Join us as we step into the New Year with a special worship time of 10:00 am. We will start with brunch and worship around the tables in the Gathering Place and end worship with the sharing of the Lord’s Supper together. We will not have Sunday School on this day. Everyone is welcome!

Due to no camera system in the Gathering Place we will not record or livestream our service on this day.





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Church Family Supper and Wednesday Night Activities

Join us in the Gathering Place on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm
Enjoy supper and fellowship with your church family. Sign up each week in the church lobby or call or email the church office no later than Monday to let us know you will be here. We have programs for all ages beginning at 7 pm.  Youth meet in the Youth Room for fun, fellowship, and a time to seek Jesus. Children meet in the Children’s Wing for special activities prepared just for them. Adults meet in the Gathering Place for Prayer and Bible Study.

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All-committee Night

All new and returning committee members will meet for orientation, goal-setting, and the selection of chairpersons. There will be a snack supper served. Let us know if you will need childcare. See Duane for more information.

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Church Family Supper and Wednesday Night Activities

Join us in the Gathering Place on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm
Enjoy supper and fellowship with your church family. Sign up each week in the church lobby or call or email the church office no later than Monday to let us know you will be here. We have programs for all ages beginning at 7 pm.  Youth meet in the Youth Room for fun, fellowship, and a time to seek Jesus. Children meet in the Children’s Wing for special activities prepared just for them. Adults meet in the Gathering Place for Prayer and Bible Study.

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Church Family Supper and Wednesday Night Activities

Join us in the Gathering Place on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm
Enjoy supper and fellowship with your church family. Sign up each week in the church lobby or call or email the church office no later than Monday to let us know you will be here. We have programs for all ages beginning at 7 pm.  Youth meet in the Youth Room for fun, fellowship, and a time to seek Jesus. Children meet in the Children’s Wing for special activities prepared just for them. Adults meet in the Gathering Place for Prayer and Bible Study.

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Church Family Supper and Wednesday Night Activities

Join us in the Gathering Place on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm
Enjoy supper and fellowship with your church family. Sign up each week in the church lobby or call or email the church office no later than Monday to let us know you will be here. We have programs for all ages beginning at 7 pm.  Youth meet in the Youth Room for fun, fellowship, and a time to seek Jesus. Children meet in the Children’s Wing for special activities prepared just for them. Adults meet in the Gathering Place for Prayer and Bible Study.

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Seasoned Saints

SEASONED SAINTS will meet at 11:30 am for a Christmas Party! We will have food and games. Bring a wrapped gift (no more than $10) for a gift exchange. Sign up in the lobby or call the church office if you plan to attend.

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Church Family Supper and Wednesday Night Activities

Join us in the Gathering Place on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm
Join us for Church Family Supper at 6 pm and other activities at 7 pm. Make a meal reservation in the lobby. Our Children Christmas Party will be this Wednesday at 7 pm. Children will eat in the Gathering Place and move to the fellowship hall for Treats & Trivia. Adults will meet in the Gathering Place for Prayer Meeting and writing Christmas Cards to our church family members who are homebound. 

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Children's Christmas Musical

Gather the whole gang - family, friends and neighbors – for our FBC Kids Christmas Musical The Wonder of Christmas! Experience the true meaning of Christmas with songs that celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus. Join us after the program for a festive Christmas Cookie Social with hot chocolate, milk, and coffee in the Gathering Place.

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MEN’S MINISTRY CHRISTMAS MUG EXCHANGE is Saturday, December 14 in the Gathering Place. Bring a wrapped coffee mug for an exchange to find a prayer partner for the upcoming year. Gumbo is on the menu! Our guest speaker is Danny Cullin, pastor of Emerald Bay Community Church. The event is free and open to all men of our community. RSVP on the sign-up sheet in the lobby or call the church office. 

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All Church Carol Singing

Join us on Sunday, December 8 at 6 pm in the Sanctuary as we sing the songs of Christmas and enjoy the music of our FBC Handbells and special music from a variety of FBC Musicians. All this will be followed by our Christmas Finger Foods Fellowship. Bring Sandwiches, chips & dips, hors d’oeuvres, cookies and brownies to share. Don’t miss the famous peppermint punch!

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Church Family Supper and Wednesday Night Activities

Join us in the Gathering Place on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm
Enjoy supper and fellowship with your church family. Sign up each week in the church lobby or call or email the church office no later than Monday to let us know you will be here. We have programs for all ages beginning at 7 pm.  Youth meet in the Youth Room for fun, fellowship, and a time to seek Jesus. Children meet in the Children’s Wing for special activities prepared just for them. Adults meet in the Gathering Place for Prayer and Bible Study.

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Church Family Supper and Wednesday Night Activities

Join us in the Gathering Place on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm
Enjoy supper and fellowship with your church family. Sign up each week in the church lobby or call or email the church office no later than Monday to let us know you will be here. We have programs for all ages beginning at 7 pm.  Youth meet in the Youth Room for fun, fellowship, and a time to seek Jesus. Children meet in the Children’s Wing for special activities prepared just for them. Adults meet in the Gathering Place for Prayer and Bible Study.

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A Women's Community Fall Bible Study on "Spiritual Warfare - Armor of the Believer" by David Jeremiah will start on September 18 at 10:00 am at FBC Frankston. It includes 9 sessions and is held in the Gathering Place. Park in the south parking lot and come in through the doors under the drive.

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Church Family Supper and Wednesday Night Activities

Join us in the Gathering Place on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm
Enjoy supper and fellowship with your church family. Sign up each week in the church lobby or call or email the church office no later than Monday to let us know you will be here. We have programs for all ages beginning at 7 pm.  Youth meet in the Youth Room for fun, fellowship, and a time to seek Jesus. Children meet in the Children’s Wing for special activities prepared just for them. Adults meet in the Gathering Place for Prayer and Bible Study.

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A Women's Community Fall Bible Study on "Spiritual Warfare - Armor of the Believer" by David Jeremiah will start on September 18 at 10:00 am at FBC Frankston. It includes 9 sessions and is held in the Gathering Place. Park in the south parking lot and come in through the doors under the drive.

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Men's Ministry Chili Cookoff

The Men’s Ministry will host their 2nd Annual Chili Cookoff on Saturday, November 2 at 5:30 pm in the Gathering Place! This is   open to all men of the community. The winner will have their name added to a perpetual trophy as the FBC Chili Cookoff Champion for 2024. Dr. Larry Lummus will be speaking. Men of all ages are encouraged to come for the fellowship and fun. The Cookoff is free to compete & the chili is free to eat. To compete in the Chili Cookoff, sign up in the lobby or call the church office.

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A A Women's Community Fall Bible Study on "Spiritual Warfare - Armor of the Believer" by David Jeremiah will start on September 18 at 10:00 am at FBC Frankston. It includes 9 sessions and is held in the Gathering Place. Park in the south parking lot and come in through the doors under the drive.

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Church Family Supper and Wednesday Night Activities

Join us in the Gathering Place on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm
Enjoy supper and fellowship with your church family. Sign up each week in the church lobby or call or email the church office no later than Monday to let us know you will be here. We have programs for all ages beginning at 7 pm.  Youth meet in the Youth Room for fun, fellowship, and a time to seek Jesus. Children meet in the Children’s Wing for special activities prepared just for them. Adults meet in the Gathering Place for Prayer and Bible Study.

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A Women's Community Fall Bible Study on "Spiritual Warfare - Armor of the Believer" by David Jeremiah will start on September 18 at 10:00 am at FBC Frankston. It includes 9 sessions and is held in the Gathering Place. Park in the south parking lot and come in through the doors under the drive.

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5th Quarter

All students 7th -12th grade are invited to join us in the Gathering Place immediately following the Frankston Indians home game for 5th Quarter. Food will be provided.

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Seasoned Saints

Join us for lunch and a fun time of games and fellowship. Sign up in the church lobby or call the church office to let us know you are coming. See Duane for more info. Invite a friend!

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Church Family Supper and Wednesday Night Activities

Join us in the Gathering Place on Wednesday Nights at 6 pm
Enjoy supper and fellowship with your church family. Sign up each week in the church lobby or call or email the church office no later than Monday to let us know you will be here. We have programs for all ages beginning at 7 pm.  Youth meet in the Youth Room for fun, fellowship, and a time to seek Jesus. Children meet in the Children’s Wing for special activities prepared just for them. Adults meet in the Gathering Place for Prayer and Bible Study.

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A Women's Community Fall Bible Study on "Spiritual Warfare - Armor of the Believer" by David Jeremiah will start on September 18 at 10:00 am at FBC Frankston. It includes 9 sessions and is held in the Gathering Place. Park in the south parking lot and come in through the doors under the drive.

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A Women's Community Fall Bible Study on "Spiritual Warfare - Armor of the Believer" by David Jeremiah will start on September 18 at 10:00 am at FBC Frankston. It includes 9 sessions and is held in the Gathering Place. Park in the south parking lot and come in through the doors under the drive.

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A Women's Community Fall Bible Study on "Spiritual Warfare - Armor of the Believer" by David Jeremiah will start on September 18 at 10:00 am at FBC Frankston. It includes 9 sessions and is held in the Gathering Place. Park in the south parking lot and come in through the doors under the drive.

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Fall Family Reunion

You’re Invited! Join us as we come together as a church family and celebrate the goodness of God’s faithfulness to His people. We will kick off with breakfast at 8:30 am in the Gathering Place. At 9:30 am we have Sunday School for all ages and Worship begins at 10:45 am. Bring the whole family and invite your friends and neighbors to be a part of this family celebration. Sign up in the church lobby or email/call the church office to RSVP.

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